Akela Inc Apps

Akela 6.0.6
Akela Inc
Akela is your ultimate digital loyalty andgift card. Replace all those loyalty and gift cards cluttering upyour wallet with a single virtual card that can be used atmerchants that are part of the Akela loyalty program.Using the app, find and join Akela merchants’ loyalty programs.View their locations on a map. Join a program when you make yourfirst purchase or before. You will receive loyalty points forfuture redemption with that merchant.Easily keep track of all the different merchants of whose Akelaloyalty programs you are a member. Tap on the icon representing amerchant for which you are a member and then view your loyaltypoints for that merchant’s program(s). Check out any specials thatthe merchant might be offering by tapping on the “Specials” linkwhen it’s displayed.Purchase and send virtual gift cards for Akela vendors torecipients such as friends or family members, either immediately oron a set date, such as a birthday. Your recipient will receive thegift card by email. View your balances for virtual gift cards thatyou have received for use at your merchants.You can use the app to update your personal information.HOW TO USE ITOnce you have installed the app, log in to your personal Akelamember account, or, if you don’t already have one, create it. YourAkela member id and its corresponding barcode and QR code aredisplayed directly on your screen. Your smartphone is instantlytransformed into your universal loyalty e-card – valid at multipleretailers participating in the Akela program.At any participating retailer, just present your phone to thecashier during checkout. The cashier will scan your on-screenbarcode and add you as a member of the store’s loyalty program.That’s all it takes to get set up! Now every time you make apurchase at that store, you can collect and redeem loyalty pointsby simply having your on-screen barcode scanned duringcheckout.For vendors that don’t use scanners, you also have a shortalphanumeric id that the vendor can manually enter instead. Bothyour long and short ids are easily visible on the phone. If youdon’t have your Akela member id with you, the vendor can look itup.To view details of your loyalty point transactions, use theAkela Web member portal.It’s time to rid yourself of those outdated plastic cards you can’tkeep track of, and replace them with a convenient digital e-cardthat’s available directly through your smartphone. Make it easierto collect loyalty points and rewards from multiple retailers,while going green by reducing your plastic card count.For a list of participating merchants, visitwww.goakela.com/?page_id=52Download the app now!